Sunday, February 28, 2010

Fairy Cakes Taste Sensation

Tomorrow is my birthday and tonight my darling daughter, ably assisted by my lovely hubby, baked some pre-birthday fairy cakes to celebrate. This pre-birthday treat is a new tradition here, but one I will definitely be encouraging going forward. (Fairy cakes tonight followed by Rice Krispie buns and Victoria sponge tomorrow. What's not to love about that sort of delicious tradition?)
The topping on these little moues of perfection was icing mixed with strawberry jam (a new taste sensation - you heard it here first).
Bloggers, they were DIVINE. So divine I ate three in a row. Ooops. I just couldn't help myself - you're never too old for fairy cakes, that's what I say. Of course, my hips might disagree, but I'm well used to ignoring what they think. That's another advantage of getting older - you can simply tune out what you don't want to hear..............It's a skill I have just about perfected.


  1. Hi Niamh - HAPPY BIRTHDAY - congratulations and all the best. Hope you have a blast celebrating your 25th birthday :-))) It must feel great to reach a quarter of a century ...

    Bye for now from Germany - Moni

    P.S.: Maybe you can talk your daughter into sending some fairy cakes to Germany - I've never had any :-(((

  2. Thanks Monika!! Yes, I was having difficulty accepting turning 25, but I've decided to embrace it now! :)
    I can't believe you've never had fairy cakes - you haven't lived! x
